Thursday 5 June 2014


The Chartered Institute of Professional Painters of Nigeria (CIPRON) and the Out- of Home Advertising Professional Contractors Association of Nigeria (OHAPCAN) have also thrown their weight behind the LASAA organized upcoming African Sign Expo, schedule for June 25th -27th 2014, at the Eko Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos, DailyPost reports.
George Noah
The president of CIPRON, Mr. Wahab A.O Mohammed Lawal made this known during a visit of the LASAA team headed by the MD of the agency, Mr. George Noah, to the CIPRON secretariat.
Mr. Lawal thanked the agency for recognizing the institute as a vital part of the outdoor advert industry. He added that though funding was a major bane in the institute’s quest to raise public awareness, it would not stop it from participating in the forthcoming expo.
He added, “CIPRON is happy to collaborate with LASAA in the forthcoming expo, as well as in lifting the standard of the printing industry in the country”.
Similarly, a team from the Out- of-home Advertising Professional Contractors Association of Nigeria (OHAPCAN), while on a visit to the LASAA head office, pledged support to the upcoming Africa Sign Expo.
According to the leader of the team, Engineer, Dan Ihegwara, association was very pleased with the idea behind the upcoming Expo, and commended the leadership of LASAA for the foresight to organize a conference of this scale.
According to Mr Ihegwara, “We all appreciate the new face you have given to the agency; your open door policy is very encouraging. We are more than ready to work with you on this project”.
Receiving the delegation, the managing director of LASAA, George Noah, conveyed his happiness of the association’s visit, terming it timely and relevant, as it came at a time the agency was galvanizing support for the upcoming conference and expo.
He added, “Our job is to regulate and achieve better standard while also providing an enabling environment for business to grow. We want to make this exhibition and conference a truly stakeholder event”.
It should be noted that a few weeks ago, The Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) threw its weight behind the event, scheduled for 25th to 27th of June 2014.

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